SLICE: An algorithm for incorporating ultrasonography in the assessment of shocked or breathless patients

פוסט זה זמין גם ב: עברית

First published: 04 November 2022                   


SLICE is an algorithm for the integration of point-of-care ultrasound in the assessment and resuscitation of the shocked or breathless patient. It aims to determine the patient’s fluid status, and identify reversible causes for the patient’s clinical picture. SLICE stands for ‘In a patient who is Shocked/Short of breath, scan the Lungs, IVC, Cardiac and Extra regions as indicated’. Its key advantages are that it explicitly guides resuscitative fluid management, can be performed rapidly and by clinicians with a broad range of sonographic experience, and can be used in a broad range of clinical scenarios. Its use has been successfully taught and implemented in routine clinical practice at our local institution.

Key findings


  • SLICE is simple to follow, to learn and to teach.
  • SLICE guides initial management as well as diagnosis.
  • SLICE does not replace other diagnostic modalities, but it does augment them.

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