פוסט זה זמין גם ב:
BMJ: Oral tranexamic acid for immediate use in major trauma: implications for mass casualty events
פוסט זה זמין גם ב: עברית Matthew Warner1, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3168-7509Jonathon Lowe1,2, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5187-1952Ed Benjamin Graham Barnard2,3 Correspondence to Dr Jonathon Lowe; Jlowe5@nhs.net Abstract The early administration of tranexamic acid is
JAMA: Transient Ischemic Attack—Not So Transient After All!
פוסט זה זמין גם ב: עברית Eric E. Smith, MD, MPH1; Babak B. Navi, MD, MS2,3 Author Affiliations Article Information JAMA Neurol. Published online February 10, 2025. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2024.5090 related articles icon Related
PODCAST: Portal Vein Thrombosis
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PODCAST RCEM: February 2025
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Cost of Saving Lives – Complications of Tourniquets Emergency Medicine EMS Trauma
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How to Make an Ice Water Bath for Heat Stroke Critical Care Emergency Medicine Environmental
פוסט זה זמין גם ב: עבריתWritten by Aaron Lacy Cold-water immersion is recognized as the fastest way to cool patients with heat stroke. Here’s how to
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הרצאות CME
cme December: POCUS and PE with Dr. Joshua Guttmancme December: POCUS and PE with Dr. Joshua Guttman
FIFA Football World Cup Russia: Emergency Medicine: 14,000 cases in 30 days
Dr. Efraim Kramer Dr. Kramer, is the retired Head Adjunct Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of the Witwatersrand and ExtraOrdinary Professor of Sport Medicine at the University of Pretoria. He has been fully involved in Academic Emergency Department and Prehospital Emergency Medicine for over 40 years. During this time, he has been the Medical Director of Rescue South Africa: Disaster Response Team, with personal responses to a number of earthquakes (Haiti, Turkey), the Japanese tsunami, Philippines Yolande hurricane, Mozambique flood and Mt Nyiragongo erupting volcano. In addition, he was a FIFA Medical Officer responsible for the detailed preparation and provision of Mass Gathering Emergency Medicine services at 7 x FIFA World Cups and the Chief Medical Officer for the FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 -
cme December: POCUS and PE with Dr. Joshua Guttmancme December: POCUS and PE with Dr. Joshua Guttman
Dr. Joshua Guttman was born and raised in Montreal, Canada. He earned his medical degree at the McGill University Faculty of Medicine and continued to complete a residency in Emergency Medicine at McGill University, where he was chief resident. He then completed a fellowship in Emergency Ultrasound at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, in New York, NY. Currently, Dr. Guttman is an assistant professor and the ultrasound fellowship director at the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, GA. His fellowship program was among the first accredited ultrasound fellowship programs in the United States. Dr. Guttman serves as the associate director of the POCUS curriculum for the Foundations of Emergency Medicine national ultrasound curriculum. He founded and is course director for the “Unmute your probe” virtual ultrasound course series sponsored by the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM). Dr. Guttman also serves on the board of the AAEM Emergency Ultrasound Section as well as the Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship Accreditation Council. Dr. Guttman is an invited speaker on point-of-care ultrasound on both the national and international stage. Dr. Guttman is an author of multiple book chapters and review articles on both ultrasound and other Emergency Medicine topics. His current research includes qualitative ultrasound educational research and novel applications of cardiac POCUS. -
OCTOBER CME Delayed Sequence Induction for the Emergency Medicine Educator
Joseph Offenbacher, MD is an Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at the New York University (NYU) School of Medicine and an Associate Program Director at the NYU/Bellevue Emergency Medicine Residency Program. He completed the ALLNYC Resident Fellowship in Medical Education Leadership and has also participated as a faculty member at the Harvard Macy Institute: Program for Post-Graduate Trainees-Future Academic Clinician Educators. Dr. Offenbacher has authored numerous peer-reviewed articles in leading EM journals and his academic interests and research focus on the intersection between emergency medicine graduate medical education, decision making, and airway resuscitation. In Israel, he has participated as faculty in the Airway and Ventilator management workshops for the Israel Association of Emergency Medicine Annual Conference 2022. -
הגישה לדמם לא טראומתי במלר"ד
ע"י ד"ר אבי עירוני מנהל מלר"ד שיבא ד"ר עיורני הוא המנהל של המחלקה לרפואה דחופה של המרכז הרפואי על שם חיים שיבא, תל השומר. אחרי סיים התמחות ברפואת פנימית והתמחות על ברפואה דחופה, נסע לקינגסטון, קנדה לתת התמחות בהחייאה, וב2010 חזר לארץ. הוא גם כן משרת בצוות של המרכז לסימולציה רפואית ואחראי על שלב ב ברפואה דחופה ל10 שנים. יש לו אינטרס מיוחד בהחייאה וניהול של החולה בספסיס ובמצב קריטי בחדר הלם. -
Evidence Based Approaches to Managing the Initially ‘Failed’ Airway
Dr. Joseph Offenbacher Monday, January 15, 2024, at 2000 Israel Time Joseph Offenbacher, MD is an Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at the New York University (NYU) School of Medicine and an Associate Program Director at the NYU/Bellevue Emergency Medicine Residency Program. He completed the ALLNYC Resident Fellowship in Medical Education Leadership and has also participated as a faculty member at the Harvard Macy Institute: Program for Post-Graduate Trainees-Future Academic Clinician Educators. Dr. Offenbacher has authored numerous peer-reviewed articles in leading EM journals and his academic interests and research focus on the intersection between emergency medicine graduate medical education, decision making, and airway resuscitation. In Israel, he has participated as faculty in the Airway and Ventilator management workshops for the Israel Association of Emergency Medicine Annual Conference 2022. -
הגישה לחולה קריטי בחדר הלם
ד"ר אבי עירוני ד"ר עירוני הוא המנהל של המחלקה לרפואה דחופה במרכז הרפואי על שם חיים שיבא, תל השומר. אחרי סיום התמחות ברפואת פנימית והתמחות על ברפואה דחופה, עבר בקינגסטון, קנדה, תת התמחות בהחייאה, וב2010 חזר לארץ. בנוסף לניהול המחלקה לרפואה דחופה הוא חלק מצוות של המרכז לסימולציה רפואית, אחראי על שלב ב ברפואה דחופה ב10 שנים האחרונות. יש לו עניין מיוחד בנושאים: החייאה, ניהול של החולה בספסיס ובמצבים קריטיים בחדר הלם