Emergency Medicine:Trauma in the ED, Avoiding the Pitfalls and Improving the Outcomes

פוסט זה זמין גם ב: עברית

Edited by

Amal Mattu, MD

Program Director, Emergency Medicine ResidencyCo-Program Director, Emergency Medicine/InternalMedicine Combined ResidencyAssociate Professor of Emergency MedicineUniversity of Maryland School of MedicineBaltimore, Maryland
This text is dedicated to the residents and faculty inEmergency Medicine at the University of Maryland MedicalCenter for providing the inspiration for this work; to my col-league Deepi Goyal, a true friend, scholar, and role model; toMary Banks and Blackwell Publishing for supporting thiswork; to my children Nikhil, Eleena, and Kamran for provid-ing the greatest inspiration in my life; and to my wife Sejalfor her incredible support of all that I do, and without whomnone of this would be possible.
Amal Mattu, MD

Deepi Goyal, MD

Associate Program DirectorMayo Emergency Medicine ResidencyAssistant Professor of Emergency MedicineMayo clinic College of MedicineRochester, Minnesota
This text is dedicated to all those whose support and inspira-tion brighten my every day: to the Emergency Medicine res-idents, faculty, and nurses at Mayo Medical Center whosecuriosity, patience, and passion benefits all those they touch;to Amal Mattu, a colleague, teacher, and mentor who I feeltruly fortunate to call a friend; and most importantly tomy wife Bhargavi and my children Kiran and Seeta whoseunfailing support and understanding have made this allpossible.
Deepi Goyal, MD

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