קטגוריה: articles

Effect of Vasopressin and Methylprednisolone vs Placebo on Return of Spontaneous Circulation in Patients With In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

A Randomized Clinical Trial Lars W. Andersen, MD, MPH, PhD, DMSc1,2,3; Dan Isbye, MD, PhD4; Jesper Kjærgaard, MD, PhD, DMSc5; et alCamilla M. Kristensen, BS4; Søren Darling, MD6; Stine T. Zwisler, MD, PhD6; Stine Fisker, CRNA6; Jens Christian Schmidt, MD6; Hans Kirkegaard, MD, PhD, DMSc1,3; Anders M. Grejs, MD, PhD2; Jørgen R. G. Rossau, MD2; Jacob M. Larsen, MD, PhD7,8; Bodil

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Podcast : Heated High Flow O2

Contributor: Nick Hatch, MD Educational Pearls: High flow nasal cannula (HFNC) or “heated high flow” can deliver higher oxygen levels than nasal cannula It typically

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BVM or ETT in Pediatric OHCA?

Written by Seth Walsh-Blakemore Spoon Feed In pediatric out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), patients managed by emergency physicians in a mobile ICU who had endotracheal intubation

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