קטגוריה: articles

Comparative Effectiveness of Intracranial Pressure Monitoring vs No Monitoring in Severe Penetrating Brain Injury Management

Ali Mansour, MD1,2; Susan Rowell, MD3; Plamena P. Powla, MS1; et alPeleg Horowitz, MD, PhD2; Fernando D. Goldenberg, MD1,2; Christos Lazaridis, MD1,2 Author Affiliations Article Information JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6(3):e231077. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.1077 editorial comment Key Points                   

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PODCAST: EMJ March 2023

Mar 25, 2023 This month Noel and Stephen discuss Diagnostic performance of S100B as a rule-out test for intracranial pathology in head-injured patients presenting to

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Frailty and Neurologic Outcomes of Patients Resuscitated From Nontraumatic Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Prospective Observational Study

RyoYamamoto,MD,PhD*;TomoyoshiTamura,MD,PhD;AkinaHaiden,MD;JoYoshizawa,MD;KoichiroHomma,MD,PhD; NobuyaKitamura,MD,PhD;KazuhiroSugiyama,MD;TakashiTagami,MD,PhD;HideoYasunaga,MD,PhD;ShotaroAso,MD,PhD; MunekazuTakeda,MD,PhD;JunichiSasaki,MD,PhD;onbehalfoftheSOS-KANTO2017StudyGroup *Correspondingauthor.E-mail:ryo.yamamoto@gmail.com. Study objective To elucidate the clinical utility of the Clinical Frailty Scale score for predicting poor neurologic functions in patients resuscitated

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