קטגוריה: articles

New ACEP Clinical Policy on Mild TBI

August 25, 2023 / Imaging, Neurosurgery, Trauma Written by Laura Murphy ACEP has issued an updated Clinical Policy to provide evidence-based guidelines for management of adult patients presenting to

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Sepsis Prediction Model for Determining Sepsis vs SIRS, qSOFA, and SOFA

Adam R. Schertz, MD, MS1,2; Kristin M. Lenoir, MPH3; Alain G. Bertoni, MD, MPH1,3; et alBeverly J. Levine, PhD4; Morgana Mongraw-Chaffin, PhD5; Karl W. Thomas, MD1,2 Author Affiliations Article Information JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6(8):e2329729. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.29729 Key Points               

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