מחבר: airdoc

BMJ: Mass casualty decontamination following a chemical incident: evaluating improvised and interim decontamination protocols in a controlled cross-over volunteer study

Louise Davidson1,  Felicity Southworth1,  Natalie Williams1,  Thomas James2,  Emily Orchard1,  Tim Marczylo2,  Samuel Collins3,  Richard Amlôt1 Correspondence to Professor Richard Amlôt; richard.amlot@ukhsa.gov.uk Abstract    Background On-scene improvised and interim decontamination protocols in the Initial Operational Response

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JAMA: Workplace Violence in a Large Urban Emergency Department

Marla C. Doehring, MD1; Megan Palmer, PhD1; Ashley Satorius, MD1; et alTabitha Vaughn, MSN2; Bruck Mulat, MS3; Andrew Beckman, MD1; Kyra Reed, MD1; Theresa Spech dos Santos, MD1; Benton R. Hunter, MD1 Author Affiliations Article Information JAMA Netw Open. 2024;7(11):e2443160. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.43160 Key Points                     

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