PODCAST: December 2022: Small Bowel Obstruction and Ileus and Septic Arthritis and Gout

פוסט זה זמין גם ב: עברית

In the December episode of Critical Decisions in Emergency Medicine, Drs. Danya Khoujah and Wendy Chang discuss small bowel obstruction and ileus as well as septic arthritis and gout. As always, you’ll hear about the hot topics covered in CDEM’s regular features, including acute otitis media in Clinical Pediatrics, an chronic shoulder dislocation in Critical Cases in Orthopedics and Trauma, DixHallpike maneuver in The Critical Procedure, a outpatient stress testing for suspected acute coronary syndrome after a negative workup in the Literature Review, and a toddler with bloody stool in The Critical Image.

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