
חודש אחרון להגשת התקצירים לכנס

Does Single Dose Epinephrine Improve Outcomes for Patients with Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest and Bystander CPR or a Shockable Rhythm?

PODCAST: ACEP February 2025

PODCAST: EM Quick Hits 63 S-TEC and HUS, IM Epinephrine in OHCA, Dengue, Geriatric Trauma Imaging, TTP

PODCAST: Your First Leadership Role? Start With These 8 Principles

Midazolam Misses the Mark? Procedural Anxiety in Kids Emergency Medicine Pain/Sedation/Procedure Pediatric Emergency Pharmacy/Pharmacology

Antivirals or Symptom Relief for Non-Severe Influenza?

PE Guidelines Say LMWH…Why So Much UFH?

המרכז הרפואי שיבא מציג פרויקט מהפכני: חדר מיון מבוסס AI

PODCAST: Is ECMO the Future of em Resuscitation with Dr. Chris Tems – CoACEP

PODCAST: You Take My Breath Away – D-dimer for Ruling out PE in High-Risk Patients

PODCAST: Time to Defibrillation

מהפך בדיני רשלנות רפואית בארה”ב: משקל רב יותר לקווים מנחים

PODCAST: High-Yield Pearls Blitz

BMJ: Oral tranexamic acid for immediate use in major trauma: implications for mass casualty events

JAMA: Transient Ischemic Attack—Not So Transient After All!

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