PODCAST: Spinal Epidural Hematoma and Abscess and Upper-Extremity Pain Treatments

פוסט זה זמין גם ב: עברית

In the May 2024 episode of Critical Decisions in Emergency Medicine, Drs. Danya Khoujah and Wendy Chang discuss spinal epidural hematoma and abscess and upper-extremity pain treatments. As always, you’ll also hear about the hot topics covered in CDEM’s regular features, including late presentation of hyperthyroidism in a patient with trisomy 21 in Clinical Pediatrics, atypical medial collateral ligament injury in Orthopedics and Trauma, arthrocentesis of the knee in The Critical Procedure, peripheral nerve block for hip fracture in The LLSA Literature Review, and late presentation of sudden severe headache in The Critical Image.

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