PODCAST: Laceration Repair Methods

פוסט זה זמין גם ב: עברית

Contributor: Aaron Lessen, MD

Educational Pearls:

  • If a patient sustains a cut, the provider has several options on how to close the wound. If they choose to suture the wound closed, it involves needles both in the form of injecting numbing medication (lidocaine) as well as with the suture itself. Other techniques are “needleless,” like closing the wound with adhesive strips (Steri-Strips) or skin adhesive (Dermabond). But which method is best?

  • A recent study looked to compare guardian-perceived cosmetic outcomes of pediatric lacerations repaired with absorbable sutures, Dermabond, and Steri-Strips. It also assessed pain and satisfaction with the procedure from both guardian and provider perspectives.

  • Participants: 55 patients were enrolled; 30 completed the 3-month follow-up.

    • Cosmetic Ratings (Median and IQR):

      • Sutures: 70.5 (59.8–76.8)

      • Dermabond: 85 (73–90)

      • Steri-Strips: 67 (55–78)

      • (P = 0.254, no statistically significant difference)

    • Satisfaction and Pain:

      • No significant differences in guardian or provider satisfaction

      • Pain levels were comparable across all methods

  • Even though there was no statistically significant difference in guardian-perceived cosmetic outcomes, the Dermabond did have the highest ratings at the end of the study.


  • Barton, M. S., Chaumet, M. S. G., Hayes, J., Hennessy, C., Lindsell, C., Wormer, B. A., Kassis, S. A., Ciener, D., & Hanson, H. (2024). A Randomized Controlled Comparison of Guardian-Perceived Cosmetic Outcome of Simple Lacerations Repaired With Either Dermabond, Steri-Strips, or Absorbable Sutures. Pediatric emergency care, 40(10), 700–704. https://doi.org/10.1097/PEC.0000000000003244

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