דילוג לתוכן

The Israel Association for Emergency Medicine

American Academy of Emergency Medicine, The 31st Annual Scientific Assembly

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תאריך ושעה
תאריך - 06/04/2025 - 10/04/2025
יום שלם

Intercontinental Miami


הוסף ליומן Outlook | 0

The 31st Annual Scientific Assembly (AAEM25) will take place on April 6-10, 2025 at the Intercontinental Miami. Add-on courses begin Sunday, April 6 and the morning of Monday, April 7. The conference begins with Opening Remarks on Monday, April 7 at noon and concludes on Thursday, April 10 at noon.

SITE: https://www.aaem.org/aaem25/

Youtube link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjZUTnuTQ9A

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