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האיגוד הישראלי לרפואה דחופה
The Israel Association for Emergency Medicine
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BMJ: Prehospital endotracheal intubation for traumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and improved neurological outcomes
Masaru Suzuki2, Ryo Takemura3, Junichi Sasaki1 Correspondence to Dr Ryo Yamamoto;
IM Epinephrine for OHCA – Quicker and Better?
Written by Michael Stocker In non-traumatic out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), administration of...
Epinephrine or Airway First in OHCA?
March 5, 2024 Written by Michael Stocker In adults presenting to EMS after OHCA, those receiving epinephrine...
Best Shock Interval for Dual Defibrillation?
February 12, 2024 Written by Michael Stocker In out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients with refractory...
Guidelines for Prehospital Airway Management
February 8, 2024 Written by Aaron Lacy A panel of experts appraising a systematic review on prehospital...
Ketamine vs Etomidate in TBI – Prehospital Version
February 9, 2024 Written by Aaron Lacy Patients with TBI who were intubated in the prehospital setting...
Effects of Cuff Size on the Accuracy of Blood Pressure Readings
Junichi Ishigami, MD, MPH1; Jeanne Charleston, RN1; Edgar R. Miller III, MD, PhD1,2; et alKunihiro Matsushita, MD,...
Patterns of change in prehospital spinal motion restriction: A retrospective database review
Neil McDonald MPhil, Dean Kriellaars PhD, Rob T. Pryce PhD Abstract Background Acute management of trauma...
Diagnostic Accuracy of Clinical Pathways for Suspected Acute Myocardial Infarction in the Out-of-Hospital Environment
Abdulrhman Alghamdi PhD a b, Mark Hann PhD c, Edward Carlton MB ChB, PhD d, Jamie G. Cooper MB ChB e f, Eloïse Cook PhD g, Angela Foulkes h, Aloysius...
Performance of a prehospital HEART score in patients with possible myocardial infarction: a prospective evaluation
Jamie G Cooper1,2, James Ferguson1, Lorna A Donaldson3, Kim M M Black1, Kate J Livock1, Judith L...
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