PODCAST: Vomiting Blood

פוסט זה זמין גם ב: עברית

You are working at Clerkship General when the charge nurse grabs you – “hey we got a real sick one, a 57yo Male who I just put in the resuscitation bay, he is vomiting blood”.

Initial Vitals:
BP: 77/34

HR: 135

RR: 24

O2%: 95%

Temp: 98.8F

Critical Actions:

  1. Place two large bore IVs
  2. Transfuse emergency uncross matched blood
  3. Administer IV Pantoprazole
  4. Administer IV Ceftriaxone and IV Octreotide
  5. Consult GI

Further Reading: EMDocs – GI Bleed

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