“ Video Laryngoscopy: The good, the bad, and what we can do better ההרצאה של ד”ר מרווין וואן עלתה לאתר

פוסט זה זמין גם ב: עברית

להרצאה לחץ כאן

Following graduation from medical school at the University of Michigan, Dr. Wayne received a fellowship at St.
Bartholomew’s Hospital in London, England. After the fellowship, he had a surgical residency at the University of Colorado. This was followed by the United States Army and a trip to the People s Republic of Vietnam where he served as a combat surgeon. He achieved the rank of major and received a bronze star for valor for removing a live grenade from a soldier. Following the military, he completed a fellowship year in surgery in Seattle, Washington. He left the field of surgery to enter the evolving field of emergency medicine. He became the Medical Program Director for the emergency medical services system for Bellingham, Washington State and Whatcom County and has served in that capacity for the last 48 years. He was an attending in the Emergency Department at PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center Bellingham, WA. He is an Associate Clinical Professor, Dept. of Emergency Medicine, at the University of Washington. He pioneered post
cardiac arrest therapeutic temperature management in a community hospital setting in 2006 . He has
authored over 100 articles and peer reviewed papers in the field of Emergency Medicine and EMS. This includes papers in the Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, Annals of Emergency Medicine, and Prehospital Emergency Care.

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