PODCAST: RECM March 2025


Happy March! This month for the March 2025 episode of the RCEM Learning Podcast starts with an update from Rob. We have Andy and Dave talking about oxygen targets in trauma in the TRAUMOX2 RCT. Becky and Chris talk about a BOAST orthopaedic guideline for the management of lateral patella dislocation. We interview Raine Astin-Chamberlain about sex, gender and pregnancy in research and then finally, as always, New Online. If you’d like to email us, please feel free to do so here. After listening, complete a short quiz to have your time accredited for CPD at the RCEMLearning website!

(02:26) New in EM – Oxygen targets in trauma

(18:59) Guidelines for EM – BOAST guidelines for lateral patella dislocation

(45:09) Sex, gender and pregnancy in research – Raine Astin-Chamberlain

(01:03:37) New Online – new articles on RCEMLearning for your CPD

Retaining ED staff: Policy, practice and research perspectives

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